About Aluminium Division
Are you looking for a simple & elegant renovation on a budget? Using aluminium products would be your best solution. They are lightweight, easy to install and economical. Aluminium is a good choice for houses or commercial building where durability is the primary concern since it neither rusts over time nor rots after being subjected to a moisture environment.

Aluminium Alloy
Our aluminium products only using Aluminium Alloy as the primary material because of its good lasting performance. We are using good quality aluminium to produce higher durability of products.
Hoh Seh Glass & Aluminium Contract is very particular in material selection. This is the key to producing long-lasting products. Aluminium Alloy material used by us is high in quality with standard thickness and strength.
Why Using Aluminium Products

Modern Style

Water Resistant


Types of Aluminium Works
Other Works
Glass Division